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Le Retour du Dodo
Le Retour du Dodo
21 juin 2006

A little Introduction to Blackadder / Petite Introduction à la série Blackadder

A little Introduction to Blackadder / Petite Introduction à la série Blackadder
A long delayed article on Blackadder, the most wonderful British series ever _ OK, I haven’t seen any other, but still…_ starring Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) as Blackadder. Richard Curtis is the scriptwriter (he also wrote the script of Four Weddings and...
28 mai 2006

Secrets de Famille : Keeping Mum

Secrets de Famille : Keeping Mum
Gloria : You can't just kill people because it's convenient! Grace : That's what my doctors kept saying. It was the one thing we could never agree on A vicar (Atkinson) preoccupied with writing the perfect sermon fails to realize that his wife is having...
2 juin 2006

Don’t judge a book by its cover _ well sometimes you can.

Don’t judge a book by its cover _ well sometimes you can.
A very short sequel for our highly interesting, amazingly pertinent study of book covers… As a total counterpoint for the over- ornate, lavishly coloured book covers, I am proud to disclose the most Spartan, and incidentally the most boring cover in the...
2 juin 2006

'Monster' by Urasawa ; Monstrously good

'Monster' by Urasawa ; Monstrously good
Pour la version française voir l'article juste en-dessous pour cause de problèmes de mise en page (Click on the pictures to enlarge them) MANGA Dr Temna is a young brilliant neurosurgeon practising in a hospital of Düsseldorf who is engaged to the director’s...
5 juin 2006


A sixteen-year old Austrian girl _ aka Marie-Antoinette… _ has to leave all that belongs to her past life and is brusquely plunged into the frivolous world of the French court after her marriage with the dauphin de France. Who said that you had to use...
9 juin 2006

Trois petits tours dans le 18ème : Barry Lyndon, Ridicule, Les Liaisons Dangereuses

Trois petits tours dans le 18ème : Barry Lyndon, Ridicule, Les Liaisons Dangereuses
The festival de Canes is over, but not the festival of Dodoville (please note the very witty pun, hahaha). Today, as a kind of sequel to my review of the splendid Marie-Antoinette, here is the list of my three favourite films on the 18th century _ Marie-Antoinette...
12 juin 2006

Et je remercie mon ordinateur, sans qui ce dessin n'aurait pas été possible...

Et je remercie mon ordinateur, sans qui ce dessin n'aurait pas été possible...
Here is my latest drawing, about a story still unwritten and probably condemned to remain so. I added the final stage of it to my “drawings” picture gallery. Initially it was nothing more than a sketch, but then I thought it could be funny to try to colour...
14 juin 2006


Two paintings by Gericault I saw last Thursday at the F ine Art museum of Lyon . The exhibition was entitled “Géricault, la folie d’un monde” (Géricault, a mad world), which was rather well-chosen if you looked at the subjects treated (executions of criminals,...
4 août 2006

De Retour d’Italie !/Back from Italy !

De Retour d’Italie !/Back from Italy !
I added a new album with photos and (very few) sketches from the wonderful regions of Puglia and Basilicate in Southern Italy . The photos were made by my father; some more photos will be added soon, when the last film is developed. Most of the photos...
12 août 2006

John Tenniel: Victorian Alice / Une Alice victorienne

John Tenniel: Victorian Alice / Une Alice victorienne
"And what is the use of a book," thought Alice , "without pictures or conversation?" "Et, pensait Alice, à quoi peut bien servir un livre sans images ni dialogues ?" (Alice in Wonderland, incipit) John Tenniel Logically, this article should have been...
18 août 2006

Arthur Rackham: Une Alice Belle Epoque / Edwardian Alice

Arthur Rackham: Une Alice Belle Epoque / Edwardian Alice
Arthur Rackham (Self Portrait) ~~~~~~ Arthur Rackham (1867 – 1939) illustrated in his turn Alice in Wonderland in 1907. He illustrated many other works, mostly children books (English Fairy Tales, Peter Pan in Kensington Garden…) but also a Midsummer’s...
8 septembre 2006

New-old drawing/ Des vieux dessins tout neufs

New-old drawing/ Des vieux dessins tout neufs
Some old drawings found in my sketchbook ( see the Dessins ... and Griboullis album ). I'm afraid I haven't drawn much these days. I love choosing titles for drawings. I'm particularly glad with the title "The Red Nose" which first evoques the nose of...
28 septembre 2006

Anthony Browne : Alice aux Pays des Surréalistes

Anthony Browne : Alice aux Pays des Surréalistes
The last illustrator of my little trilogy is a contemporary, for a change. Anthony Browne, born 1946, was a medical artist, drawing anatomical plates of surgery before illustrating children’s books! His first book, Through the Magic Mirror, was published...
26 novembre 2006

Alice on the Web / Alice sur la Toile

Alice on the Web / Alice sur la Toile
Sorry for this very long silence… This is a mere epilogue of my series on the illustrators of Alice in Wonderland. I’m afraid I cannot say when I’ll be able to write proper new articles. I’m not even sure how I’ll be able to post new drawings, first because...
2 juin 2006

‘Monster’ d'Urasawa: une réussite monstre

‘Monster’ d'Urasawa: une réussite monstre
MANGA Kenzo Tenma est un jeune neurochirurgien promis à un brillant avenir et fiancé à Eva Heineman, la fille du directeur de l’hôpital où il exerce, à Düsseldorf. Un jour il décide contre l’avis de celui-ci d’opérer d’abord un garçon de dix ans plutôt...
1 juin 2006

Don’t judge a book by its cover _ the book doesn’t deserve it.

Don’t judge a book by its cover _ the book doesn’t deserve it.
At the end of a ten-day holidays in Great Britain two years ago, I was well decided to raid a library before going back home, or at least to buy some long-awaited books that still hadn’t been translated in French. Among those, ‘Mixed Magics’, a children...
27 mai 2006

Romanzo criminale ( en italien dans le texte )

Romanzo criminale ( en italien dans le texte )
1975, Italy : while the Red Brigades ( a left-wing terrorist group) are shaking the country, a gang of criminals sets out to conquer the underworld of Rome, thanks to the money of a ransom. “Romanzo Criminale” narrates the rise and fall of the gang, focusing...
24 juin 2006

Quotes from Blackadder / Répliques de Blackadder

Here is the sequel to my presentation of the Blackadder series: some of my favourite quotes. In fact I could quote almost anything… Suite de ma présentation de la série Blackadder: quelque unes de mes citations préférées. En fait j’aurais pu presque citer...
26 mai 2006

Pourquoi un blog ? / Why creating a blog anyway ?

The most honest answer to this question would be : I've just begun my four-month holidays and this is a nice way to waste my time. If I am courageous enough to do all that was announced in the description, this brand new blog will feature some of my (dazzling)...
21 juin 2006

Other British series / D’autres séries britanniques

To complete my presentation of Blackadder… other British series to explore. I haven’t seen any other British series, because contrary to American ones, they are not broadly broadcasted in France . Anyway it’s almost impossible to see them in the original...
27 juin 2006

Blackadder suite et fin/ Little guides to the episodes

Hello ! I probably won’t be able to update this blog more than once a week from now on, as I’ll soon begin my summer job. Here is the last part to my presentation of the Blackadder series. A partir de maintenant je n’aurai probablement pas le temps de...
5 juillet 2006

Traduction automatique / Literal Translation

LIt’s sometimes so annoying to spend half an hour translating a two-line text packed of idiomatic phrases and puns that you dream of a magical click which would do it for you… Well, it’s still possible to try “Google translation” (or indeed any other...
6 juillet 2006

Slippery Slope / Pente savonneuse

"…[I]f once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination. Once begin upon this downward path, you never...
19 juillet 2006

Apologies/ Mes excuses !

I'm leaving tomorrow for Italy. I won't be back before two weeks, so that I'll not be able to post anything on this blog before the 4th of July. Be patient ! When I come back I'll add three posts on the illustrators of Alice in Wonderland. There might...
28 décembre 2006

Mieux vaut tard...

Hello ! I'm back from England for the holidays. I added t hree new sketches, as well as a new album with a few photos of the places I went to during these last three months: Wantage Hall in Reading, my new "home" for this year, and Cambridge. Although...
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Le Retour du Dodo
  • A hotchpotch of drawings and paintings, film and book review, funny quotations, but not much about dodos I'm afraid... Un joyeux mélange de dessins et de peintures, de critiques de films et de livres, de citations, mais pas grand-chose sur les dodos..
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